Business Articles, Software Tips, About GS, sometimes a Recipe & more!
For the many years I've been training software courses, going back a considerable way - lol, the amount of time spent is my biggest lesson learned. Even if all students or attendees are really engaged, "time" for absorbing new information will kick-in, like it or not.
It's been interesting because it's the same whether it's a one-to-one session or a group session. In a one-to-one session, right around the one-hour mark, students will start slowing down and when comfortable with their trainer, will ask to start closing out the training. In larger, but small groups, it goes closer to the one and a half hour range or two when signs of absorption fatigue kicks in. It's nice, in some way, to think if you commit to a longer training time that you will be getting more. But, you won't especially with software. You'll just get fatigued and all the "good stuff" you learned in the first part of the time together will start to get fuzzy. And that's exactly why my online, instructor-led software training sessions are intentionally set to be 2 hours in length for the fundamentals and 1 hour for advanced topic level times. I highly recommend not getting into whole day sessions - split your learning experience into smaller, easy to handle, and most effective learning journeys. You'll then be refreshed soon after and ready for another!
After completing my All-in-One Courses for Excel, PowerPoint and Word, the next level for learning advanced skills are your next step. Each course has been carefully designed to deliver the most used and most needed skills for the workplace, school or home. Each course is delivered by providing concepts first, followed by a hands-on practical lesson, and interactive questions with answers as we go.
You’ll get to experience first-hand, which menus, ribbons, buttons and keyboard shortcuts will soon become second nature to you as you build your Microsoft Office skill-set. Best suggested path for each software program is: After spending literally decades exploring, self-learning and using Excel, PowerPoint and Word at the advanced level, plus training it and writing courses, a question came to mind. Was it possible to take a closer look at, all the possible topics, that can or better yet, should be taught? And the answer was a definite "yes."
I've read for many years that the percentage of tools actually used in these Office products is very low. Giving that some serious thought, was next. And, yes. I then literally measured exactly which Menus (Ribbons) and Buttons were used most often. The result was both interesting and inspiring. Keeping in mind, too that there are a lot of folks who need these skills for work-related reasons, what if GS Courses could be re-worked to make sure that they focused on the most needed for the workplace topics. And voila! The three All-in-One GS Courses were born. These two-hour courses are a selection of carefully curated topic with each being aligned to a practical, hands-on practice lesson. I hope that readers of this post will agree. |
About My BlogWelcome. I'm a admittedly a bit obsessed with how software can, and should, make our lives easier. But, to round things out, I'm also interested in the Arts, all kinds of Crafts, Cooking, Gardening, Bird Watching, Feeding the Squirrels and cool Business ideas. Thanks for visiting.
GS Software Consulting.caVisit: to view Course Outlines Join me in my guided learning journey series of online, Zoom-delivered, All-in-One foundational Courses & Targeted-Skills Courses with advanced topics. Instructor-led, Fast-tracked, Online Microsoft Office Training.
All Courses start with a concepts presentation followed by a hands-on try-out session brought together with a real-world practice lesson. Learn the most needed and most used software skills and receive a free 1-pager Skills Guide for quick reference. Find out more by visiting my GS Software website or email me with any questions. Archives
January 2025